Daily Audio Bible

Listen through the Bible in a year conversationally | Monday through Saturday | ~22 minutes per segment


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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1549: Luke 5:1-32 | Isaiah 4:2-6:13 | Proverbs 11:23-25

"Holiness on the one hand creates distance between him and mankind, on the other hand his holiness creates a renewing fellowship between God and mankind." ~ SH Widyapranawa

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Verses: 32
Words: ~684


Verses: 48
Words: ~1309

Wisdom SEGMENT: Proverbs 11:23-25

Verses: 3
Words: ~48


Holiness on the one hand creates distance between him and mankind, on the other hand his holiness creates a renewing fellowship between God and mankind. ~ SH Widyapranawa

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

Trent C. Butler, Luke, vol. 3, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2000).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).

Robert H. Stein, Luke, vol. 24, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

Reflection: Words (Luke 18:18-19)

People don't buy drills, they buy holes. So what's this mean for us?

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Original air date: November 7, 2021

People don't buy drills, they buy holes. So what's this mean for us?


“Reflections” happen on Sundays and special occasions. They’re shorter than what we do Monday through Saturday when we spend about 20 minutes a day and get through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months.

Oh, and we do this together — with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And…

…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1548: Luke 4:31-44 | Isaiah 1-4:1 | Psalm 9

What did Jesus say he came to do? And how does that tie to both Isaiah and you and me?

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Verses: 14
Words: ~299


Verses: 80
Words: ~2182

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 9

Verses: 20
Words: ~329


What did Jesus say he came to do? And how does that tie to both Isaiah and you and me?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 1233.

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).

Robert H. Stein, Luke, vol. 24, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1547: Luke 4:16-30 | 2 Kings 15-16 | Proverbs 11:15-22

Was Jesus just a dude? After all, he didn’t say he was God, did he?

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Verses: 15
Words: ~321


Verses: 58
Words: ~1836

Wisdom SEGMENT: Proverbs 11:15-22

Verses: 8
Words: ~127


Was Jesus just a dude? After all, he didn’t say he was God, did he?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

Robert H. Stein, Luke, vol. 24, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1546: Luke 3:21-4:15 | Hosea 10-14 | Psalm 61

Does it ever seem like your work is meaningless?

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Verses: 28
Words: ~705


Verses: 66
Words: ~1663

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 61

Verses: 8
Words: ~131


Does it ever seem like your work is meaningless?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

David A. Hubbard, Hosea: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 24, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989).

Robert H. Stein, Luke, vol. 24, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1545: Luke 2:39-3:20 | Hosea 6-9

Teachers and leaders will be held to higher account

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Verses: 34
Words: ~727


Verses: 58
Words: ~1461

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 58

Verses: 11
Words: ~180


Teachers and leaders will be held to higher account

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2016).

Other sources consulted for today:

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

David A. Hubbard, Hosea: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 24, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989).

Monty Python, Roger the Shrubber: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z621WexHihw

Robert H. Stein, Luke, vol. 24, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1544: Luke 2:1-38 | Hosea 4-5 | Psalm 58

Why should a God who doesn't change give us hope?

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Verses: 38
Words: ~812


Verses: 34
Words: ~857

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 58

Verses: 11
Words: ~180


Why should a God who doesn’t change give us hope?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

David A. Hubbard, Hosea: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 24, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989).

Robert H. Stein, Luke, vol. 24, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1543: Luke 1:26-52 | Hosea 1-3

Why does God use marriage as the ultimate example of our relationship with him?

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Verses: 56
Words: ~1197


Verses: 39
Words: ~983

Wisdom SEGMENT: ~

Words: ~


Why does God use marriage as the ultimate example of our relationship with him?Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

David A. Hubbard, Hosea: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 24, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989).

Robert H. Stein, Luke, vol. 24, The New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1992).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

Reflection: Pretending (Colossians 3:2a)

What if, instead of someone telling you how to think about Halloween, you had questions to consider on your own?

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS
Original air date: October 31, 2021

What if, instead of someone telling you how to think about Halloween, you had questions to consider on your own?


“Reflections” happen on Sundays and special occasions. They’re shorter than what we do Monday through Saturday when we spend about 20 minutes a day and get through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months.

Oh, and we do this together — with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And…

…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1542: Luke 1:1-25 | Amos 7-9 | Psalm 55

How should we respond when the world is staring down God’s wrath on religious, legal, political, and social rebellion?

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS


Verses: 25
Words: ~534


Verses: 46
Words: ~1275

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 55

Verses: 23
Words: ~377


How should we respond when the world is staring down God’s wrath on religious, legal, political, and social rebellion?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Max Anders, Galatians-Colossians, vol. 8, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 10.

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

Donald R. Sunukjian, “Amos,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 1432.


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1541: Colossians 4 | Amos 3-6

We like our rights, but here’s what’s Scriptural (and countercultural!).

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Verses: 18
Words: ~366


Verses: 69
Words: ~1913

Wisdom SEGMENT: ~

Verses: ~
Words: ~


We like our rights, but here’s what’s Scriptural (and countercultural!).

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Max Anders, Galatians-Colossians, vol. 8, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 10.

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

Donald R. Sunukjian, “Amos,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 1432.


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1540: Colossians 2-3 | Amos 1-2 | Proverbs 11:9-14

What should we be thinking when God calls out the people around us?

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS


Verses: 48
Words: ~977


Verses: 31
Words: ~859

Wisdom SEGMENT: Proverbs 11:9-14

Verses: 6
Words: 93


What should we be thinking when God calls out the people around us?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Max Anders, Galatians-Colossians, vol. 8, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 10.

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 262.

Norman L. Geisler, Systematic Theology, Volume Three: Sin, Salvation (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2004), 143.

W. Robertson Nicoll, Jane T. Stoddart, and James Moffatt, eds., The Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts: St. Luke to Revelation, vol. 2 (New York: Hodder and Stoughton; George H. Doran Company, 1911), 808.


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1539: Colossians 1 | 2 Kings 13-14 | Psalm 53

The only thing that truly transforms is ultimately simple: the Gospel. Like Paul, we have two weapons for defending this truth: Scripture and testimony.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS


Verses: 29
Words: ~590


Verses: 54
Words: ~1709

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 53

Verses: 6
Words: 98


Is following Jesus the way to find the real you? An important nuance…

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Max Anders, Galatians-Colossians, vol. 8, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 10.

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 262.

Norman L. Geisler, Systematic Theology, Volume Three: Sin, Salvation (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2004), 143.

W. Robertson Nicoll, Jane T. Stoddart, and James Moffatt, eds., The Expositor’s Dictionary of Texts: St. Luke to Revelation, vol. 2 (New York: Hodder and Stoughton; George H. Doran Company, 1911), 808.


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1538: Hebrews 13 | Jonah | Proverbs 11:4-8

Why trust the book of Jonah as historical? For one, Jesus did…

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Verses: 25
Words: ~570


Verses: 48
Words: ~1298

Wisdom SEGMENT: Proverbs 11:4-8

Verses: 4
Words: 64


Why trust the book of Jonah as historical? For one, Jesus did…

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Thomas J. Finley, “Jonah,” in CSB Apologetics Study Bible, ed. Ted Cabal (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017), 1109.

Donald A. Hagner, Hebrews, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2011).

Thomas D. Lea, Hebrews, James, vol. 10, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

Read More
Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1537: Hebrews 12 | Joel

What’s the basis for facing hardship well?

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS


Verses: 29
Words: ~661


Verses: 73
Words: ~1895

Wisdom SEGMENT: ~

Verses: ~
Words: ~


What’s the basis for facing hardship well?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, and David Brown, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, vol. 2 (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997), 439.

Thomas J. Finley, “Joel,” in CSB Apologetics Study Bible, ed. Ted Cabal (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017), 1082.

Donald A. Hagner, Hebrews, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2011).

Thomas D. Lea, Hebrews, James, vol. 10, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

Read More
Roger Courville Roger Courville

Reflection: Cake (Psalm 50)

Have you ever had a time when you wished God would just speak?

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS
Original air date: October 24, 2021

Have you ever had a time when you wished God would just clearly answer your prayer?


Resources consulted for this episode:

D. A. Carson, ed., NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018), 935.

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Kevin R. Warstler, “Psalms,” in CSB Study Bible: Notes, ed. Edwin A. Blum and Trevin Wax (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017), 863.

Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset, and David Brown, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, vol. 1 (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997), 363.


“Reflections” happen on Sundays and special occasions. They’re shorter than what we do Monday through Saturday when we spend about 20 minutes a day and get through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months.

Oh, and we do this together — with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And…

…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world.

Read More
Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1536: Hebrews 11 | Perfect

What's a key question we should be asking about online church?

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Verses: 40
Words: ~911


What are the implications of being made perfect in Christ? A party, for one...

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

James Swanson, Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains: Greek (New Testament) (Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 1997).

David G. Peterson, “Hebrews,” in New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition, ed. D. A. Carson et al., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994).

Andrew Knowles, The Bible Guide, 1st Augsburg books ed. (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg, 2001).

Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1535: Hebrews 10 | 2 Kings 11-12 | Psalm 131

What's a key question we should be asking about online church?

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Verses: 39
Words: ~889


Verses: 42
Words: ~1330

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 131

Verses: 3
Words: ~49


What's a key question we should be asking about online church?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

William H. Barnes, 1-2 Kings, ed. Philip W. Comfort, vol. 4b, Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2012).

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

D. A. Carson, ed., NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

Donald A. Hagner, Hebrews, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2011).

Thomas D. Lea, Hebrews, James, vol. 10, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1534: Hebrews 8-9 | 2 Kings 10 | Psalm 49

One way archaeology reflections the truthfulness of the Old Testament…

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS


Verses: 41
Words: ~934


Verses: 36
Words: ~328

Wisdom SEGMENT: Psalm 49

Verses: 20
Words: ~328


One way archaeology reflections the truthfulness of the Old Testament…

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

William H. Barnes, 1-2 Kings, ed. Philip W. Comfort, vol. 4b, Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2012).

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

D. A. Carson, ed., NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992).

Donald A. Hagner, Hebrews, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2011).

Thomas D. Lea, Hebrews, James, vol. 10, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999).

William Greenough Thayer Shedd, Dogmatic Theology, ed. Alan W. Gomes, 3rd ed. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Pub., 2003).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1533: Hebrews 7 | 2 Kings 8-9

When do human beings get souls?

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | Stitcher | iHeart | RSS


Verses: 28
Words: ~638


Verses: 66
Words: ~2089

Wisdom SEGMENT: ~

Verses: ~
Words: ~


When do human beings get souls?

Bible used for reading:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted for today:

William H. Barnes, 1-2 Kings, ed. Philip W. Comfort, vol. 4b, Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2012).

Donald A. Hagner, Hebrews, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2011).

Thomas D. Lea, Hebrews, James, vol. 10, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999).

William Greenough Thayer Shedd, Dogmatic Theology, ed. Alan W. Gomes, 3rd ed. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Pub., 2003).


ForTheHope Daily Audio Bible is uh, a daily audio Bible (imagine that!). We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is a globally-recognized expert in digitally-extended communication and connection, an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. And a sometimes-sleep-deprived doctoral student. And all that blah blah blah means jack diddly if we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12:1).

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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