Daily Audio Bible

Listen through the Bible in a year conversationally | Monday through Saturday | ~22 minutes per segment


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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#2003: Mark 3:7-35 | Lamentations 3 | Psalm 137

When life — or even God — seems against you, remember the big picture: great is his faithfulness.

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Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

When life — or even God — seems against you, remember the big picture: great is his faithfulness. 

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

John L. MacKay, Lamentations: Living in the Ruins, Mentor Commentaries (Ross-shire, Great Britain: Mentor, 2008), 8.

I. Howard Marshall, “Mark,” in The New Testament Page by Page, ed. Martin Manser, Open Your Bible Commentary (Creative 4, 2018), 135.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#2002: Mark 2-3:6 | Lamentations 1-2

Don’t let human religiosity make you a spiritual slave…it is always right to do good the way God defines good.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

Don’t let human religiosity make you a spiritual slave…it is always right to do good the way God defines good.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

John L. MacKay, Lamentations: Living in the Ruins, Mentor Commentaries (Ross-shire, Great Britain: Mentor, 2008), 8.

A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God (Camp Hill, PA: WingSpread, 2006), 66.

Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Mk 1:1.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#2001: Mark 1 | 2 Chronicles 36 | Psalm 126

Anyone who rejects God’s messenger who is exposing sin, guilt and rebellion is rejecting God himself

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Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

Anyone who rejects God’s messenger who is exposing sin, guilt and rebellion is rejecting God himself

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Daniel L. Akin, Exalting Jesus in Mark, ed. Daniel L. Akin, David Platt, and Tony Merida, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2014), 3.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 286.

Martin Manser, ed., The Old Testament Page by Page, Open Your Bible Commentary (Bath, UK: Creative 4 International, 2013), 418.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#2000: Revelation 19:11-22:21 | Proverbs 31

Vision illuminates our sure and confident hope, action joins him in his mission.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

Vision illuminates our sure and confident hope, action joins him in his mission.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

James Montgomery Boice, Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive & Readable Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1986), 246.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 358.

Kendell H. Easley, Revelation, vol. 12, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 304.

Derek Kidner, Proverbs: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 17, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1964), 171.

Douglas J. Moo, “The Letters and Revelation,” in NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible, ed. D. A. Carson (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018), 2304.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1999: Revelation 17-19:10 | Proverbs 30

We must acknowledge our inability to understand the ways of God before we can accept revelation from God. We can’t know him fully, but we can know him truly.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

We must acknowledge our inability to understand the ways of God before we can accept revelation from God. We can’t know him fully, but we can know him truly.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

James Montgomery Boice, Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive & Readable Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1986), 246.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 358.

Kendell H. Easley, Revelation, vol. 12, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 304.

Derek Kidner, Proverbs: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 17, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1964), 171.

Douglas J. Moo, “The Letters and Revelation,” in NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible, ed. D. A. Carson (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018), 2304.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1998: Revelation 15-16 | 2 Kings 24-25 | Proverbs 29:13-27

God’s wrath is the necessary reaction to a violation of the law of love.

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Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

God’s wrath is the necessary reaction to a violation of the law of love.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Bruce Barton et al., Life Application New Testament Commentary (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2001), 1250.

James Montgomery Boice, Foundations of the Christian Faith: A Comprehensive & Readable Theology (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1986), 246.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Re 15:1–16:21.

Augustus Hopkins Strong, Systematic Theology (Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1907), 291.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1997: Revelation 13:11-14:20 | Jeremiah 39, 52:12-34 | Proverbs 28:26-29:12

True spiritual understanding will allow one to understand the beast’s falsehood and resist its deception.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

True spiritual understanding will allow one to understand the beast’s falsehood and resist its deception.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Bruce Barton et al., Life Application New Testament Commentary (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2001), 1250.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

Kendell H. Easley, Revelation, vol. 12, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 231.

Got Questions, https://www.gotquestions.org/unholy-trinity.html

Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Je 46:1–52:34.

Douglas J. Moo, “The Letters and Revelation,” in NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible, ed. D. A. Carson (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018), 2299.

Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996), 606.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1996: Revelation 12-13:10 | Jeremiah 39, 52:1-11 | Proverbs 28:1-25

Contrast is the mother of clarity discerned…with the Holy Spirit’s help.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

Contrast is the mother of clarity discerned with the Holy Spirit’s help.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 358.

Kendell H. Easley, Revelation, vol. 12, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 226.

Warren W. Wiersbe, Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1992), 833.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1995: Revelation 10-11 | Jeremiah 38 | Proverbs 27:11-27

“Spiritually protected” might still mean “physically vulnerable.” But it’s for a purpose.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

“Spiritually protected” might still mean “physically vulnerable.” But it’s for a purpose.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 798.

Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Tiberius Rata, Walking the Ancient Paths: A Commentary on Jeremiah (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2019), 440.

Alexander E. Stewart, Reading the Book of Revelation: Five Principles for Interpretation (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2021), 125–126.

Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Je 38:1.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1994: Revelation 8-9 | Jeremiah 33 | Proverbs 27:1-10

What we DO know is that He is God, and He promises restoration following judgment.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

Wait and be faithful - you WILL come out of tribulation and experience the gracious comforts of God. He will see you through.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Je 30:1–33:26.

Steven Smith, Exalting Jesus in Jeremiah, Lamentations (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2019), 212.

Warren W. Wiersbe, Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1992), 821.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1993: Revelation 7 | Jeremiah 32 | Proverbs 26:17-28

Wait and be faithful - you WILL come out of tribulation and experience the gracious comforts of God. He will see you through.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

Wait and be faithful - you WILL come out of tribulation and experience the gracious comforts of God. He will see you through.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

James M. Hamilton Jr., “Revelation,” in Gospel Transformation Bible: English Standard Version, ed. Bryan Chapell and Dane Ortlund (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2013), 1735.

Martin Manser, ed., The Old Testament Page by Page, Open Your Bible Commentary (Bath, UK: Creative 4 International, 2013), 798.

J. Gordon McConville, “Jeremiah,” in New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition, ed. D. A. Carson et al., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), 696.

John F. Walvoord, “Revelation,” in The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures, ed. J. F. Walvoord and R. B. Zuck, vol. 2 (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1985), 949.

Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Re 7:1.


About the #ForTheHope podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1992: Revelation 6 | Jeremiah 30-31 | Proverbs 26:13-16

Who is able to stand? Thank God for his promise to rescue and restore.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One theme that bubbles up today:

Who is able to stand? Thank God for his promise to rescue and restore.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

Walter A. Elwell and Barry J. Beitzel, “Testament,” Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1988), 2046.


About the #ForTheHope Podcast

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple,  Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.

About Roger Courville, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1991: Revelation 4-5 | Jeremiah 37, 21, 34 | Psalm 79

Hide in your heart both what you understand and what you don’t.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

Hide in your heart both what you understand and what you don’t. Because God will not be mocked.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Bruce Barton et al., Life Application New Testament Commentary (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale, 2001), 1220.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 342.

Martin Manser, ed., The Old Testament Page by Page, Open Your Bible Commentary (Bath, UK: Creative 4 International, 2013), 784.

R. C. Sproul, ed., The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition) (Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust, 2015), 924.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1990: Revelation 3 | Jeremiah 29, 24 | Proverbs 26:1-12

Yo exiles, PRAY for your government.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

Yo exiles, PRAY for your government.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 419.

James E. Smith, The Old Testament Books Made Simple, The Bible Made Simple (Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing Company, 2009), 160.

Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Je 29:1.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1989: Revelation 2 | Jeremiah 27-28 | Proverbs 25:23-28

Do whatever it takes to hold on to the true confession.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

Do whatever it takes to hold on to the true confession.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

F. F. Bruce, New International Bible Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1979), 1601.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Je 27:1.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1988: Revelation 1 | Jeremiah 35-36, 45 | Psalm 133

The return of the king is certain.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

Leadership carries with it awesome measures of accountability to God.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Daniel L. Akin, Exalting Jesus in 1,2,3 John (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2014), 163.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 419.

Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Tiberius Rata, Walking the Ancient Paths: A Commentary on Jeremiah (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2019), 292.

James E. Smith, The Old Testament Books Made Simple, The Bible Made Simple (Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing Company, 2009), 160.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1987: 3 John | Jeremiah 25 | Proverbs 25:6-22

Leadership carries with it awesome measures of accountability to God.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

Leadership carries with it awesome measures of accountability to God.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Daniel L. Akin, Exalting Jesus in 1,2,3 John (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2014), 163.

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 419.

Walter C. Kaiser Jr. and Tiberius Rata, Walking the Ancient Paths: A Commentary on Jeremiah (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2019), 292.

James E. Smith, The Old Testament Books Made Simple, The Bible Made Simple (Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing Company, 2009), 160.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1986: 2 John | Jeremiah 23:9-40, 26 | Proverbs 25:1-5

What we know from history: those who compromise a little will probably compromise a lot.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

What we know from history: those who compromise a little will probably compromise a lot.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 777.

David Walls and Max Anders, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude, vol. 11, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 236.

Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Je 23:1.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

Read More
Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1985: 1 John 5 | Jeremiah 22-23:8 | Psalm 77

When we do not learn from the past or hear God and obey Him in the present, we destroy our future.

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

When we do not learn from the past or hear God and obey Him in the present, we destroy our future.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible Commentary: The Epistles (1 John), electronic ed., vol. 56 (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), 139.

Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), 1 Jn 5:1.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

Read More
Roger Courville Roger Courville

#1984: 1 John 3:11-4:21 | Jeremiah 18-20 | Proverbs 24:30-34

God will not break the broken

Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Google | Spotify | iHeart | RSSand would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope

One THEME That Bubbles Up TODAY:

God will not break the broken.

Bible used for reading today:

Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).

Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:

Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).

James E. Smith, The Old Testament Books Made Simple, The Bible Made Simple (Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing Company, 2009), 160.

Steven Smith, Exalting Jesus in Jeremiah, Lamentations (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2019), 120.

David Walls and Max Anders, I & II Peter, I, II & III John, Jude, vol. 11, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1999), 187.


About the Podcast(s)

#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.

We also publish, on most weekdays, #ForTheHope’s short #AlwaysBeReady segment where we explore an idea that helps us connect Sunday morning to Monday morning. You have to subscribe via a podcast software like Apple, Google, or Spotify to get them, but you can find examples here and here.

About Roger Courville, MA, CSP

Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry — Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if it doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing, right?

Follow him on Twitter -- @RogerCourville and @JoinForTheHope – or his blog: www.forthehope.org

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