Daily Audio Bible
Listen through the Bible in a year conversationally | Monday through Saturday | ~22 minutes per segment
#2354: Acts 28 | Isaiah 43:22-45:25
One theme that bubbles up today:
The church is defined by the gospel, not by one culture, historical period, human tradition, or state of freedom.
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One theme that bubbles up today:
The church is defined by the gospel, not by one culture, historical period, human tradition, or state of freedom.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 254.
David E. Garland, Acts, ed. Mark L. Strauss and John H. Walton, Teach the Text Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books: A Division of Baker Publishing Group, 2017), 286.
Tony Merida, Exalting Jesus in Acts (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 396.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2353: Acts 27 | Isaiah 41:21-43:21 | Proverbs 16:5-9
One theme that bubbles up today:
We have history on our side in showing that God’s prophetic statements have come true
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
We have history on our side in showing that God’s prophetic statements have come true
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2352: Acts 25:23-26:32 | Isaiah 40-41:20 | Proverbs 15:31-16:4
One theme that bubbles up today:
No matter what, we simply pass along what we’ve received (and are thus shaped in the process)
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
No matter what, we simply pass along what we’ve received (and are thus shaped in the process)
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 355.
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Is 40:1–66:24.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2351: Acts 24:22-25:22 | Isaiah 38-39 | Psalm 68
One theme that bubbles up today:
“Adoration of God, like the Law of God, acts as a mirror to show us the blemishes of our character and drive us to a posture of contrition.” ~RC Sproul
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
“Adoration of God, like the Law of God, acts as a mirror to show us the blemishes of our character and drive us to a posture of contrition.” ~RC Sproul
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Trent C. Butler, Isaiah, ed. Max Anders, Holman Old Testament Commentary (B&H, 2002), 198.
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 203.
David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 666.
David Platt, Matt Mason, and Jim Shaddix, Exalting Jesus in Psalms 51-100 (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2020), 159.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2350: Acts 23:12-24:21 | Isaiah 36-37 | Psalm 123
One theme that bubbles up today:
Sometimes it’s the most casual and normal happenings that really reflect divine involvement in our lives.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
Sometimes it’s the most casual and normal happenings that really reflect divine involvement in our lives.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 347.
Kenneth O. Gangel, Acts, vol. 5, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 389.
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Is 36:1–39:8.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2349: Acts 21:27-23:11 | Isaiah 34-35 | Proverbs 15:23-31
One theme that bubbles up today:
The most probable explanation for our desires in this world is that we were made for another world.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
The most probable explanation for our desires in this world is that we were made for another world. (hat tip: CS Lewis)
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 190.
David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 665.
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Is 31:1–35:10.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2348: Acts 21:1-26 | Isaiah 31-33 | Proverbs 15:15-22
One theme that bubbles up today:
A disciple of Jesus has to go and do what God commands, no matter the danger involved.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
A disciple of Jesus has to go and do what God commands, no matter the danger involved.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 179.
Kenneth O. Gangel, Acts, vol. 5, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 354.
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Is 31:1–35:10.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2347: Acts 20 | Isaiah 29-30
One theme that bubbles up today:
The duty of lay leaders, particularly church officers, is to guard the flock.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
The duty of lay leaders, particularly church officers, is to guard the flock.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Trent C. Butler, Isaiah, ed. Max Anders, Holman Old Testament Commentary (B&H, 2002), 164.
Kenneth O. Gangel, Acts, vol. 5, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 342.
Larry L. Walker, Elmer A. Martens, Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: Isaiah, Jeremiah, & Lamentations, vol. 8 (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 2005), 113.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2346: Acts 18:18-19:41 | Isaiah 28 | Psalm 65
One theme that bubbles up today:
When the gospel of Jesus Christ invades the domain of Satan, spiritual warfare is bound to occur
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
When the gospel of Jesus Christ invades the domain of Satan, spiritual warfare is bound to occur
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Kenneth O. Gangel, Acts, vol. 5, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 320.
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: New Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Ac 18:24–19:20.
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Is 28:1–39:8.
David Platt, Matt Mason, and Jim Shaddix, Exalting Jesus in Psalms 51-100 (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2020), 130.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2345: Acts 18:1-17 | Isaiah 24-27
One theme that bubbles up today:
The gospel can make headway even in places reputed to be dens of iniquity.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
The gospel can make headway even in places reputed to be dens of iniquity.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
David E. Garland, Acts, ed. Mark L. Strauss and John H. Walton, Teach the Text Commentary Series (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books: A Division of Baker Publishing Group, 2017), 188.
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Is 22:1–27:13.
Tony Merida, Exalting Jesus in Acts (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 265.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
State of the Ministry Report
I’m pretty awful at telling you how things are going. So today we change that.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
I’m pretty awful at telling you how things are going. So today we change that.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2344: Acts 17 | Isaiah 21-23 | Proverbs 15:11-14
One theme that bubbles up today:
You should test what you hear by consulting Scripture openly, eagerly, carefully, and daily.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
You should test what you hear by consulting Scripture openly, eagerly, carefully, and daily.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2343: Acts 16 | Isaiah 19-20 | Proverbs 15:1-10
One theme that bubbles up today:
The Hound of Heaven never ceases to pursue you and wants to work through you.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
The Hound of Heaven never ceases to pursue you and wants to work through you.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
D. A. Carson, ed., NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018), 1199.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 112.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2342: Acts 15 | Isaiah 15-18 | Psalm 62
One theme that bubbles up today:
We should always go to battle when the gospel is at stake.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
We should always go to battle when the gospel is at stake.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 101.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Douglas Mangum, ed., Lexham Context Commentary: Old Testament, Lexham Context Commentary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2020), Is 13:1–16:14.
Tony Merida, Exalting Jesus in Acts (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 208.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2341: Acts 14 | Isaiah 13-14 | Proverbs 14:26-35
One theme that bubbles up today:
Good things are not only available to all, but those good things are themselves a witness to God.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
Good things are not only available to all, but those good things are themselves a witness to God.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 391.
Douglas Mangum, The Lexham Glossary of Theology (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014).
Rolland McCune, A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity: The Doctrines of Man, Sin, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, vol. 2 (Allen Park, MI: Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, 2009), 297.
Charles R. Swindoll and Roy B. Zuck, Understanding Christian Theology (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2003), 846.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2340: Acts 13:13-52 | Isaiah 12 | Psalm 118
One theme that bubbles up today:
God’s faithful love is sufficient for our most desperate needs, and his awesome salvation is worthy of our deepest praise.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
God’s faithful love is sufficient for our most desperate needs, and his awesome salvation is worthy of our deepest praise.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Daniel L. Akin, Johnny M. Hunt, and Tony Merida, Exalting Jesus in Psalms 101–150, ed. David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, Christ-Centered Exposition (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2021), 164.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Tony Merida, Exalting Jesus in Acts (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 180.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2339: Acts 13:1-12 | Isaiah 9-11 | Psalm 22
One theme that bubbles up today:
Jesus the messianic King suffered and died so that, like him, people from every nation could be rescued for the praise of the Lord.
Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Spotify | iHeart | RSS
and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
Jesus the messianic King suffered and died so that, like him, people from every nation could be rescued for the praise of the Lord.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Trent C. Butler, Isaiah, ed. Max Anders, Holman Old Testament Commentary (B&H, 2002), 76.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 334.
Kenneth O. Gangel, Acts, vol. 5, Holman New Testament Commentary (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 212.
J. Josh Smith and Daniel L. Akin, Exalting Jesus in Psalms 1–50, ed. David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2022), 158.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2338: Acts 11:19-12:25 | Isaiah 6-8 | Proverbs 14:22-25
One theme that bubbles up today:
The only remedy for the presence of God is the presence of God.
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and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
The only remedy for the presence of God is the presence of God.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
David S. Dockery, ed., Holman Bible Handbook (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 1992), 645.
Andrew C. Thompson, “Isaiah,” in The Big Idea Companion for Preaching and Teaching: A Guide from Genesis to Revelation, ed. Matthew D. Kim and Scott M. Gibson (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic: A Division of Baker Publishing Group, 2021), 254.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2337: Acts 11:1-18 | Isaiah 2-5
One theme that bubbles up today:
God exposes the many sins of his richly blessed people…and predicts the coming judgment on these sins by his righteous wrath.
Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Spotify | iHeart | RSS
and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
God exposes the many sins of his richly blessed people…and predicts the coming judgment on these sins by his righteous wrath.
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Trent C. Butler, Isaiah, ed. Max Anders, Holman Old Testament Commentary (B&H, 2002), 28.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 31.
Tony Merida, Exalting Jesus in Acts (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 142.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.
#2336: Acts 9:32-10:48 | Isaiah 1 | Psalm 9
One theme that bubbles up today:
God summons to court the people of the religious-yet-wicked Jewish nation for their many sins and pleads with them to repent so he can save them.
Use the player below or your favorite podcast app: Apple | Spotify | iHeart | RSS
and would you please “pay it forward” by liking, reviewing, and/or subscribing there?
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joinforthehope
One theme that bubbles up today:
No one is so bad that he’s beyond the reach of God’s saving grace
Bible used for reading today:
(thank you kindly to Holman for permission to do so entirely with…)
Christian Standard Bible (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2020).
Other sources consulted, quoted, or mentioned today:
Trent C. Butler, Isaiah, ed. Max Anders, Holman Old Testament Commentary (B&H, 2002), 12.
Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008).
Andrew M. Davis, Exalting Jesus in Isaiah (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2017), 8.
J. Josh Smith and Daniel L. Akin, Exalting Jesus in Psalms 1–50, ed. David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary (Nashville, TN: Holman Reference, 2022), 68.
About the #ForTheHope podcasts
#ForTheHope’s Daily Audio Bible is (crazy idea!) a daily audio Bible reading. But it’s not just a voice — you can go anywhere and hear a better voice just read the actual text. We read through the New Testament in about 10 months and the Old Testament in about 14 months with a passion for just keepin’ it real, having conversations like normal people, and living out the love of Jesus better every single day.
Also showing up in your stream when you subscribe via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast software are occasional (and separate) #PracticeTheWay segments for nurturing our spiritual formation and #AlwaysBeReady segments that help you take “a ministry of showing up” to work and culture.
About Roger Courville, CSP
Roger Courville, CSP is an award-winning speaker, award-winning author, and a passionately bad guitarist. He holds a Master’s in Christian Apologetics from Talbot School of Theology (Biola University) and is now working on his Doctorate in Ministry in Spiritual Formation at Denver Seminary. And…all that blah blah blah means nothing if he doesn’t help you fall more in love with Jesus and the people in Jesus’ world. If we do not have sacrificial love (1 Co 13, Ro 12), we’ve got nothing.